OAR Fee Schedule


Club Membership (Ontario Clubs only)

  • $120 Annually

All members of a Club affiliated with OAR are OAR affiliated tourers and can participate in OAR tours without needing to join as independent members of OAR.

One representative of each Club can vote at OAR Member meetings and make representations   at OAR Board meetings.


OAR Affiliated Tourers (Ontario residents only)

  • Free

OAR affiliated tourers can participate in OAR tours without paying fees to join as independent members of OAR.

Available to Ontario rowers in good standing with an OAR affiliated Club and RCA (i.e., registered and activated on the RCA Web Registration System (WRS)).  Once activation on the WRS is confirmed, the member will also be registered and activated as an OAR ‘affiliated tourer’ and can start attending tours.


Independent Membership

  • $90 Annually

OAR independent members can participate in OAR tours and can vote at Member meetings.

Ontario residents not associated with an OAR-affiliated Club will be asked to register themselves on the RCA-WRS as an OAR independent member.  They must pay the OAR fee and once payment has been received by OAR, the member will be ‘activated’ as an independent member on the RCA-WRS by the OAR registrar.

Canadian residents (outside of Ontario) can become independent members by paying the OAR fee.

In the case of US Rowing1 and overseas members, they must pay the OAR fee, affirm that they carry travel/medical insurance, and sign an OAR Membership Waiver when joining as members.


Guest Fee (for non-members)

  • $30 per tour day (of scheduled rowing)

Note:  This is a one-time opportunity for non-member rowers to participate in a tour/long-distance event.  This amount must be added to all tour registration forms.  The guest trial pass amounts collected must be remitted by the tour organizer to the Association treasurer.  Everyone must sign a waiver.  U. S.1 and overseas rowers must attest that they carry travel insurance including for medical expenses and accidents.

Short-Term Touring Seat and Rental Charges for Members

  • $30 /seat a day (T11/coastal quad has 5 seats including coxie seat; T7 double has 2 seats)
  • $60 /seat for a holiday weekend (Saturday to Monday)
  • $120 /seat for a work week (Monday to Friday) – $600 for a quad and $240 for a double
  • $150 /seat for 7-day week– that’s $750 for a quad and $300 for a double

Trailer use to haul OAR boats:  $150 per week

Note:  Touring boats are generally only rented to Clubs which are members of the Association (though the OAR Board may make exceptions to promote touring).  The seat charge amounts collected must be remitted by the tour organizer to the Association Treasurer.  Clubs renting boats for learn-to-scull and other programs are responsible to pay for major damages to boats, oars and equipment.

Out-of-the country and commercial rentals require a deposit of $1,000.

We offer discounted rates for member Club usage for learn-to-scull courses.

The discount is 50% of the work week rate.  The rate for a work week is $60 a seat.


Fuel Charge

Tour organizers are responsible for paying directly to the Mobile Touring Centre trailer driver enough money to cover the cost of the fuel.  The cost depends on the distance and the per litre price of fuel.  To obtain the distance, use Google Maps.


Vehicle Maintenance Charge

The Ontario Adventure Rowing Association is responsible for paying directly to the Mobile Touring Centre trailer driver(s) money to cover the cost of the estimated wear and tear on the driver’s vehicle at a rate of 30 cents per kilometre.  Drivers must record their mileage for each tour and submit this record to the OAR Treasurer at the end of the rowing season.



  1. Because of a reciprocal agreement between Rowing Canada Aviron and Rowing USA, members of US Rowing participating in a sanctioned event in Canada are insured for liability, but not sport accidents.


Updated: Mar. 6, 2023