Dry Run for the World Rowing Tour
The Organizing Committee for the planned 2022 World Rowing Tour enthusiastically invites you to join the Dry Run – a practice for 2022, and a fantastic tour in its own right – along the World Tour route through the Bay of Quinte and the 1000 Islands.
The Dates: Tuesday 7 September to Sunday 12 September 2021 – six days rowing.
The Route: First half: along the Bay of Quinte from west to east. Second half: from Kingston east through the 1000 Islands.
The Accommodation: Arriving on Monday evening, three nights in Ramada Hotel, Belleville, then three nights in Holiday Inn, Kingston. We will disperse after rowing on Sunday.
The Transport: There will be a bus to take participants from the hotel to the starting point each day, and collect them from the finishing point and return to the hotel. We will use our own cars in the evenings.
The Tour Fee: $1100, which includes 6 nights accommodation (shared rooms), breakfast and lunch every day, a seat in a quad, etc. A deposit of $100 is required with applications. Participants will pay for their own dinners: single hotel rooms will be surcharged. Parking at the Kingston hotel will cost $24 per night.
The Boats: Coastal quads and touring quads.
The Crews: If you would like to row each day in the same crew, please add a note about it on the application form. Mixing and matching crews will depend on the coronavirus epidemic status.
The Rowing: The longest day is 37 km. Make sure you are fit enough and your hands are hardened!
The Safety Plan: To follow later.
The Coronavirus Precautions: To follow later. Hopefully, all participants will have been vaccinated at least once by 24 August. If that’s the case, restrictions amongst the participants can be relaxed. If not, precautions similar to the Reconnaissance of October 2020 will be enforced.
The Application: Complete the Form and send it as .pdf by e-mail to Peter Jepson (jepjepjeppo@gmail.com) and Cynthia Warn (planetwarn@gmail.com). The tour fee deposit should be paid by electronic transfer (Interac) to Cynthia at WRT2022@outlook.com . Since there are a lot of special arrangements to be made (because this is a practice for the organization of the World Tour, as well as a tour in its own right), applications are required much earlier than on most OAR tours. Please send in the form by Friday 30 April. Shortly before the tour, you will be asked to pay the remainder of the fee, and sign a Waiver of Liability. You will need to be a member of OAR (either individually or through your rowing club).
Enquiries for Further Information: Contact Peter Jepson (jepjepjeppo@gmail.com or 613-922-5144).