Request for Interest in Renting Coastal and Touring Boats
All affiliated (member) clubs in good standing in 2017 or 2018 in the Ontario Adventure Rowing Association are invited to apply by May 10 to rent the following boats for the 2018 rowing season.
Eurodifusion coastal quad –$1,400
Eurodifusion double — $700 (rental begins in June)
Hudson T-7 touring double — $250.
Terms and Conditions
- Renter is responsible to pick up and return the boats.
- Renter is responsible for ongoing maintenance and repairs.
- The Ontario Adventure Rowing Association will insure the boats for major damage.
- Anyone who has rented an OAR boat in the Spring of 2018 can get half of that price applied as a credit to the fees above.
- Renter must be a member of the Ontario Adventure Rowing Association for the 2018 rowing year.
Please submit expressions of interest to:
Arnold Vandermeer at .