For distance rowers, one of the highlights of the season every year is the Canadian Sculling Marathon, organized be the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club. We all love the dedication that goes into training for the full or half marathon distances, working together with our great crews, travelling to Ottawa for the always fun and challenging event and of course, the beautiful row along the Ottawa River taking in the many landmarks through our Nation’s Capital.

This year, as we all know, is a little different. Crew rowing is still not an option, and many of our 2020 tours have been cancelled. Unfortunately this has also meant the cancellation of the traditional on-water CSM.

Luckily for those of us itching to row those long distances, the CSM organizers have created a special virtual challenge for 2020!

ONEC and OAR invite you to join us in virtually rowing 1,271 km along the Ottawa River. From the river’s origins in the Laurentian Mountains to its end where it empties into the Saint Lawrence.

You can find all of the details for this year’s unique event on the Canadian Sculling Marathon page here.